Tuesday, February 26, 2013

a rich and glorious tidbit

I came across a verse this morning which really struck me.  Lately I feel like I fail to get everything done that I need to accomplish, remember everything I need to remember, be the kind of mother I wish to be, grow in ways I see that I need to grow…

But then I read Ephesians 1:18 where Paul says:

I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope He has given to those He called – His holy people who are His rich and glorious inheritance.

I -–my lowly self-- am a “rich and glorious inheritance” to -–God???  Is it just me, or does that seem messed up?  And also, He has given us “confident hope.”  He has already done it.  Here, Paul prays that we could understand that.  So we are a rich and glorious inheritance to God who has already given us a confident hope in Him.  Seems pretty weird.

But I know that it is not messed up.  It is the amazing grace He has given us. 

Romans 8:30 says:

…having chosen [His people] He called them to come to Him. And having called them, he gave them right standing with himself.  And having given them right standing, he gave them His glory.

He chose us.  He called us.  He made us holy.  He gave us his glory.

So what’s left for us to do?

Get everything right?

Get everything accomplished?

Be supermom?

Know and remember every single need of every person we meet?

Meet every single person’s needs?

Grow and excel in every possible way?

No.  Just accept His gifts.  Accept the glory He bestows on lowly us.  Accept Jesus and walk with Him and He will do the rest.  He will help you to do the things He needs you to accomplish, meet needs He needs you to meet, and grow in ways He needs you to grow for His kingdom.

I see that it’s not about me and what I can do at all.  At least not on my own.

Because let’s face it… God is smart – He knows that if it were any harder, if He didn’t do all the heavy lifting for us, well… we would fail.


Thank you Jesus for making the way!  Amen!

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